“El coaching en el desarrollo de las competencias gerenciales del personal de la entidad deportiva sd. Star Club”

This research with the title of project “COACHING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT COMPETENCES OF STAFF OF THE SPORTIVE ENTITY SD. STAR CLUB, aims to determine the incidence of coaching in the development of management skills. The research corresponds to a type of experimental research of longit...

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Autor Principal: Ponce Ochoa, Karina Magali
Otros Autores: . Guerrero, Martha A.
Formato: Tesis de Pregrado
Publicado: Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo,2017 2017
Acceso en línea:http://dspace.unach.edu.ec/handle/51000/4224
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Sumario:This research with the title of project “COACHING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT COMPETENCES OF STAFF OF THE SPORTIVE ENTITY SD. STAR CLUB, aims to determine the incidence of coaching in the development of management skills. The research corresponds to a type of experimental research of longitudinal cut, with mixed character, since during the analysis of study the qualitative and quantitative variables were examined. The population is represented by a total of 75 people divided into one (f=57) corresponding to 76.0% of male gender and one (f=18) corresponding to 24% of female gender, ranging from 16-64 years of age, a non-probabilistic sampling was used, where a sample of 8 people corresponding to the administrative and technical staff of the sports club and 67 people referring to the soccer players of the club were manipulated. For the evaluation, a field methodology was used as a technique for the application of the test and as an instrument the questionnaire represented by the Test of Effectiveness of Management Skills developed by (Coaching Solutions, 2007) validated for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the managerial competencies of the administrative and technical personnel. The statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics 22 was used to record data and obtain results. Using the Pearson chi- square test, we determined the absolute and relative frequencies of the qualitative variables giving a P value of < 0.05.